Friday, November 30, 2012



APOTHEOSIS: highest point, climax

ASCETIC: abstain

CURMUDGEON: a bad tempered, difficult

BAUBLE: showy, usually cheap

BEGUILE: trickery, flattery, mislead, delude

BURGEON: to grow or develop quickly

COMPLEMENT: to make complete or to finish

CONTUMACIOUS: stubbornly disobedient

DIDACTIC: intended to teach 

  • INTERCEDE: To plead on an others behalf.
  • Someone to intercede on behalf of an individual in need.
HACKNEYED: Made commonplace or trite; stale; banal
  • The concept of an evil corporation is pretty hackneyed at this point.
APPROBATION: Approval, commendation; official approval sanction.

  • There was a loud murmur of approbation from the crowd.
COALITION: A combination or alliance especially temporary one between person, fractions, state.

  • Select a country name to see all the coalition members in that county.
INNEUNDO: An indirect inamation about a person or thing especially of disparaging or derogatory nature.

  • There is no point in replying to this kind of innuendo.
ELICIT: To draw or bring out or forth; educe; evoke.

  • He elicit the truth so his older sister would get in trouble.
HIATUS: A break or interruptions in the continuity of work, series, action.

  • I hate hiatus on TV.
ASSUAGE: To make milder, or less severe; relieve, ease, mitigate.

  • Advil assuage my headaches.
DECADENCE: The act or process of falling into an inferior condition or state.

  • Such behavior shows contempt for other life forms verging on decadence.
EXPOSTULATE: To reason earnestly with someone against something that person intends to do or has done.

  • His father expostulated with him about the evils of gambling.
SIMULATE: To create a simulation, likeness, or model.

  • It all began when for the first time an artist tried to simulate the appearance of depth on a flat surface.
JADE: Worn out, broken down, worthless, or vicious horse.

  • They get jaded and frustrated from seeing the same people coming in over and over.
UMBRAGE: Offense, annoyance, displeasure.

  • Talking when the teacher is talking is umbrage to them.
PREROGATIVE: An exclusive right, privilege, exercised by virtue of rank, office.

  • Having your licence is prerogative.
LURID: Gruesome; horrible; revolting.

  • These lurid fears a genuine turn in public opinion.
TRANSCEND: To rise above or go beyond; overpass exceed.

  • They teach us too transcend the false supremacy of one's own ego.
PROVINCIAL: A person who lives in or comes from the provinces.

  • It was also something about the particular nature of the characters-they are fairly provincial and limited.
PETULANT: Move to or showing sudden, impatient irritation, especially over some trifling annoyance.

  • The teacher made the student petulant to another desk.
UNCTUOUS: Characterized by excessive piousness or moralistic fever, especially in affected manner; excessively smooth, suave, or smug.

  • When bitten they collapsed with an unctuous squeich.
MERITORIOUS: Deserving praise, reward, praiseworthy.

  • Up to two awards for meritorious work may be presented.
encomium-formal expression of high praise.

 coherent- logically connected; consistent

 belabor-to beat vigorously; ply with heavy blows

eschew-to abstain or keep away from; shun; avoid

acquisitive- tending or seeking to accrue and own,
often greedily; eager to get wealth, possessions

emulate-to attempt to equal or surpass

 arrogate- assume or appropriate to oneself without right

 banal-devoid of freshness or originality

excoriation-the act of excoriating

 congeal-to change from a soft or fluid state to a rigid or solid state, as by cooling or freezing

carping-characterized by fussy or petulant faultfinding

 substantiate- to establish by proof or competent evidence

 temporize-to be indecisive or evasive to gain time or delay acting

 largesse-generous bestowal of gifts

 tenable-capable of being held, maintained, or defended, as against attack or dispute

 insatiable-incapable of being satisfied or appeased

 reconnaissance-the act of reconnoitering

 germane-closely or significantly related; relevant

 ramify-to divide or spread out into branches

intransigent-refusing to agree or compromise

 taciturn-reluctant to join in conversation

 invidious- unpopularity
Auditor: Someone who edits. The auditor had a lot of books to look at.

Bough:Tree branch. The girl went in to the woods and got hit in the face with a bough.

Eloquence: To write well. Authors always eloquence.

Hoary: Hairy. My legs are very hoary if i don't shave for a couple of days.

Exemplary: Role model. Sense I'm the oldest then my younger siblings i have to be exemplary.

Melancholy: Long lasting sadness. When my great grandpa died i had melancholy.

Peculiar: Strange. The music Dr. Preston played yesterday in class was peculiar.

Dread: Fear. I dread that I'm not going to pass my history class.

Pious: Devoutly religious. Goodman Brown thought the towns people were pious.

Communion: The sharing. The students were comminion in the class.

Multitude: Large number. In each of my class i have multitude of students in them.

Despair: absence of hopes. Goodman Brown was in despair when he was in the woods

allude to refer to something the author thinks you should know.
-The author alluded us that the old man was the devil.

clairvoyant able to percede things beyond the senses.
-My sister told me she was clairvoyant, because she was able to see the future.

conclusive final.
- Tomorrow is the conclusive day to turn in anything before grades come out.

disreputable poor reputation.
- The guy had a disreputable.

 endemic wide spread in one place.
-The were wild animals endemic.

exemplary not worthy important.
- The story wasn't exemplary was exemplary to me.

 fathom meause of notice depths; to understand.
- I fathom the young goodman brown story now.

 guile cleverness.
-My little brother was quile when he got me in trouble.

itinerary trip schedule.
-We had to figure out a itinerary.

integrity thoughts, actions.
- The students in class were itinerary working together.

 misconstrue miss understanding.
- There was a misconstrue when they were talking about grades.

obnoxious loud, annoying, rude.
-The little kids were being obnoxious.

placate calm down.
- He had to placate after he got into a fight with his parents.

 placid calm, peaceful.
- Being at the beach is placid.

plagiarism taking someone Else's work taking it as it as your own.
- Plagiarism is against the law.

potent powerful.
- The quotes were potent and had alot of meaning.

pretext rational for something.
- Helping my little brother with his homework was pretext.

protrude to stick out.
- That stain protrudes off your shirt.
 stark clear.
- The story became more stark after i read it a couple of times.

superficial shallow.
-The water is superficial.
adroit: clever or skillful in using the hands or mind

amicable: having a spirit of friendliness; without serious disagreement or rancor

averse: having strong dislikes of or opposition of something

belligerent: hostile and aggressive

benevolent: well meaning and kindly; serving a charitable rather than a profit-making purpose

cursory: hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed

duplicity: deceitfulness; double-dealing

extol: praise enthusiastically

feasible:Possible to do easily or conveniently; Likely probable

grimace: twisted expression on a person's face, typically expressing disgust, pain, or wry amusement

holocaust:The mass murder of Jews under the German Nazi regime during the period 1941–45.

impervious:Not allowing something to pass through; not penetrable

impetus:The force or energy or momentum with which a body moves

jeopardy:Danger of loss, harm, or failure

meticulous:Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise

nostalgia: sentimental longing for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations

quintessence:The aspect of something regarded as the intrinsic and central constituent of its character

retrogress:The aspect of something regarded as the intrinsic and central constituent of its character

scrutinize:Examine or inspect closely and thoroughly

tepid :Only slightly warm; lukewarm; Showing little enthusiasm

  • ad infinitum: again and again in the same way; forever.
- The kid love his blanket so much he ad infinitum it.
  •  apportion: divide; assign
- The kids were apportions by different ages.
  •  bona fide: genuine and real
- The glass doll looked so bona fide.
  •  buoyant: able to keep something afloat
- When i was swimming i was buoyant.
  •  clique: a small group of people
- At school you see all the different kind of cliques.
  •  concede: admit
- The boy conceded that he cheated on the test.
  •  congenial: pleasant or agreeable
- The kids came to a congenial about who would do what on their report.
  •  lofty: of imposing height
- The cop was lofty in his department.
  •  migration: the movement of persons from one country or locality to another
- The cops are trying to stop migration from happening.
  •  perceive: become aware or conscious
- I perceive that i need to focus on my school work more.
  •  perverse: contrary to the accepted or excepted standard or practice
- We had to perverse the rules at school.
  •  prelude: an action or event serving as an introduction to something more important
- The interesting books have prelude in the beginning.
  •  rancid: smelling or tasting old
- The milk was rancid.
  •  rustic: having a simplicity and charm that's considered typical of the country side
- The cow boy wanted to get some rustic wear.
  •  sever: divide by cutting or slicing; putting an end to or break off
- The girl sever with her boyfriend.
  •  sordid: involving ignoble actions and motives; dirty or squalid
- The children felt sordid about finding their mother.
  •  untenable: not able to be maintained or defend against attack or a objection
- The lion was untenable.
  •  versatile: able to adapt; changeable
- The released the animal into the wild and it was able to versatile to the environment.
  •  vindicate: clear of blame or suspicion; show or prove to be right
- The student vindicated that she was not cheating on her test.
  •  wane: amount by which a plank or log is beveled or falls short of a squared shape 
- We used the wane to start a fire.

  • flout- willfully and disregarding a rule



  • caveat- qualifying acception



  • blazon- to decorate

  • filch-casually stealing something that has no value
  • fractious-Easily irritated; bad-tempered

  • equitable-equal just fair just

  • autonomy-freedom

  • addendum-An item of additional material, typically omissions, added at the end of a book or other publication

  • amnesty-pardon offense

  • axiomatic-Self-evident or unquestionable

  • extricate-to release

  • soporific-causing sleep

  • scathing- severely critical

  • unwieldy-hard to move or carry

  • vapid-flat, tasteless, boring

  • prognosticate- to for tell, predict

  • sepulchral- tomb like


  • salutary-producing good effects

  • straitlaced- strictly rule abiding

  • scourge- to whip or lash

  • precept- general behavior

  • transient- lasting for short amount of time


  • BOSOM:  between the boobs.

  • PRUDENTLY: practically.

  • INVETERATE: Having a particular habit

  • PROPENSITY: Likelihood

  • REPOSE: state of rest

STRIPLING:  punish

SEQUESTER: isolated

APPARATION: visual of ghost

PURPORT: to intend

IMBIBED: to drink in
INCESSANT: continuous


REVERIE: day dream

GAMBOL: play

SPECTRE: visible ghost

TARRY: linger

INCESSANT: on going

HESSIAN: civil war


  • Pedagogue : teacher or schoolmaster
  • Cavernous: hollow 
  • Coquettish: like a coquette
  • Tête-à-tête: private conversation

  • Suffice: satisfy
  • Amorous: loving or in love 

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