Tuesday, October 16, 2012

nominees from "Self-Reliance"

  • MANIFEST-  document giving the details of a ship and its cargo, passengers and crew for the use of customs officers.
- The captain looked over the manifest before they left.
  • CONTEMPORARY- a person or thing living or existing at the same time as another.
- Dinosaurs were contemporary millions of years ago.
  • PREDOMINATE- be the strongest or main element; be greater in number or amount; have exert control or power.
- Some stories are predominate then others.
  • TRANSCENDENT- to go beyond in or rise above.
- I want to transcend in soccer.
  • BENEFACTOR- a person who gives money or other help to a person or cause.
-There is a lot of benefactor who are involved with relay for life.
  • CONFORMITY- compliance with standards, rules, or laws; behavior in accordance with socially accepted conventions or standards.
- There is conformity in every state.
  • AVERSION- a strong dislike or disinclination; someone or something that arouses such feelings.
- A lot of people have aversion against school.
  • SUFFRAGE- the right to vote in political elections; a series of intercessory prayers or petitions.
- When your eighteen you have suffrage.
  • INAUDIBLE- unable to be heard.
- A lot of students are inaudible about all sorts of things.

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