Tuesday, October 30, 2012

legend of sleepy hallow vocab/notes

Tranquility: a disposition free from stress or emotion.
Vouch: Assert or confirm.
Sequestered: isolated.
Rustic: country.
Terry: linger.
Pedagogue: teacher.
Damsel: in stressed.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

list 8 vocab remix

  • flout- willfully and disregarding a rule



  • caveat- qualifying acception



  • blazon- to decorate

  • filch-casually stealing something that has no value
  • fractious-Easily irritated; bad-tempered

  • equitable-equal just fair just

  • autonomy-freedom

  • addendum-An item of additional material, typically omissions, added at the end of a book or other publication

  • amnesty-pardon offense

  • axiomatic-Self-evident or unquestionable

  • extricate-to release

  • soporific-causing sleep

  • scathing- severely critical

  • unwieldy-hard to move or carry

  • vapid-flat, tasteless, boring

  • prognosticate- to for tell, predict

  • sepulchral- tomb like


  • salutary-producing good effects

  • straitlaced- strictly rule abiding

  • scourge- to whip or lash

  • precept- general behavior

  • transient- lasting for short amount of time




Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Self Reliance Remix

When i found this picture it was perfect for self reliance remix. Because i thought to myself and said what other word could be better to explain self reliance. Emerson talks about us being individuals and doing things our own way. Also being responsible for ourselves. It's not saying you can't depend or help others. You can take everything in but be your own person. You can't take care of anyone else if you can't take care of yourself.

Nothing But The Beat (David Guetta)

Ricky and uriel were right when they said connects to self - Reliance. Emerson talks about an individual taking something and making it their own. That's what David has done with his music. He wants people to understand and give it a chance sense its something different.

5 logical fallacies from the presidential debate


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Self Reliance Questions

1) Discuss the meaning of the verse preceeding the essay.
- Everyman has their own thoughts. It talks about nature (romanticism). The verse shows that Emerson has a positive view of human natures. This verse sets the stage with two ideas: you are an individual and in your natural state you are good.

2) Looking at the entire essay what does Emerson mean by self- reliance? Summarize his major points.
- Self- reliance is using your own mind and not taking other people thoughts/ideas. Think your own thoughts. Being an individual is taking everything in but then coming down to your own opinion.

3) Interpret the first sentence. What does every preson realize at some moment of his/her education?
- You should be mind ful
-changing your shape.

4) "The eye was placed where one ray should fall, that it might testify of that particular ray." What does it mean?- We are powerful where we put our focus.

5) What does Emerson mean by "The divine idea which each of us represent."?
- Each of us as individuals representing a whole.

6) Explain the significance of the iron string. Why do you think he used iron and not silk, gold, or silver string?
- Trust yourself. Iron is strong and functional. Silk, gold, and silver is just about looks.

7) Define transcendentalism.
- Rising above from being told what to do and how to do it (Colonial Literature).

8) Interpret the following quote:
"Society everywhere is in-conspiracy against the manhood of everyone of its members."
- Even though we are whole we still break each other down.

9) Interpret this quote:
"The virtue in most request is conformity, self-reliance is its aversion."
-Some requests are to much to ask.

10) Interpret the metaphor, "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adoored by little statesmen, and philosophers, and devines."
- It foolds people who don't think deeply.
-Seeming to be a good thing but its hurting you.

11) Discuss the use of the simile:
" Words as hard as rock."
-Words can make a big impact and words can be dense and heavy.

12) Respond to the essay. Write a paragraph stating your thoughts on the essay as a whole.
- I couldn't really comprehend it. But when we went over it in class it made a little more sense. Which made it easier to understand. The essay was very long but interesting. Emerson has alot of ideas that we still use today.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

nominees from "Self-Reliance"

  • MANIFEST-  document giving the details of a ship and its cargo, passengers and crew for the use of customs officers.
- The captain looked over the manifest before they left.
  • CONTEMPORARY- a person or thing living or existing at the same time as another.
- Dinosaurs were contemporary millions of years ago.
  • PREDOMINATE- be the strongest or main element; be greater in number or amount; have exert control or power.
- Some stories are predominate then others.
  • TRANSCENDENT- to go beyond in or rise above.
- I want to transcend in soccer.
  • BENEFACTOR- a person who gives money or other help to a person or cause.
-There is a lot of benefactor who are involved with relay for life.
  • CONFORMITY- compliance with standards, rules, or laws; behavior in accordance with socially accepted conventions or standards.
- There is conformity in every state.
  • AVERSION- a strong dislike or disinclination; someone or something that arouses such feelings.
- A lot of people have aversion against school.
  • SUFFRAGE- the right to vote in political elections; a series of intercessory prayers or petitions.
- When your eighteen you have suffrage.
  • INAUDIBLE- unable to be heard.
- A lot of students are inaudible about all sorts of things.

Monday, October 8, 2012

vocab list 7

  • ad infinitum: again and again in the same way; forever.
- The kid love his blanket so much he ad infinitum it.
  •  apportion: divide; assign
- The kids were apportions by different ages.
  •  bona fide: genuine and real
- The glass doll looked so bona fide.
  •  buoyant: able to keep something afloat
- When i was swimming i was buoyant.
  •  clique: a small group of people
- At school you see all the different kind of cliques.
  •  concede: admit
- The boy conceded that he cheated on the test.
  •  congenial: pleasant or agreeable
- The kids came to a congenial about who would do what on their report.
  •  lofty: of imposing height
- The cop was lofty in his department.
  •  migration: the movement of persons from one country or locality to another
- The cops are trying to stop migration from happening.
  •  perceive: become aware or conscious
- I perceive that i need to focus on my school work more.
  •  perverse: contrary to the accepted or excepted standard or practice
- We had to perverse the rules at school.
  •  prelude: an action or event serving as an introduction to something more important
- The interesting books have prelude in the beginning.
  •  rancid: smelling or tasting old
- The milk was rancid.
  •  rustic: having a simplicity and charm that's considered typical of the country side
- The cow boy wanted to get some rustic wear.
  •  sever: divide by cutting or slicing; putting an end to or break off
- The girl sever with her boyfriend.
  •  sordid: involving ignoble actions and motives; dirty or squalid
- The children felt sordid about finding their mother.
  •  untenable: not able to be maintained or defend against attack or a objection
- The lion was untenable.
  •  versatile: able to adapt; changeable
- The released the animal into the wild and it was able to versatile to the environment.
  •  vindicate: clear of blame or suspicion; show or prove to be right
- The student vindicated that she was not cheating on her test.
  •  wane: amount by which a plank or log is beveled or falls short of a squared shape 
- We used the wane to start a fire.

midterm review/ study strategy

  • make up example sentences with each word on the list.
  • use the words in a story.
  • write the words on flashcards and practice daily.
  • practice the words in a conversation with a friend.

3 websites for romanticism

Friday, October 5, 2012

all vocab list for midterm

APOTHEOSIS: highest point, climax
ASCETIC: abstain
CURMUDGEON: a bad tempered, difficult
BAUBLE: showy, usually cheap
BEGUILE: trickery, flattery, mislead, delude
BURGEON: to grow or develop quickly
COMPLEMENT: to make complete or to finish
CONTUMACIOUS: stubbornly disobedient
DIDACTIC: intended to teach 

INTERCEDE: To plead on an others behalf.

  • Someone to intercede on behalf of an individual in need.
HACKNEYED: Made commonplace or trite; stale; banal.

  • The concept of an evil corporation is pretty hackneyed at this point.
APPROBATION: Approval, commendation; official approval sanction.

  • There was a loud murmur of approbation from the crowd.
COALITION: A combination or alliance especially temporary one between person, fractions, state.

  • Select a country name to see all the coalition members in that county.
INNEUNDO: An indirect inamation about a person or thing especially of disparaging or derogatory nature.

  • There is no point in replying to this kind of innuendo.
ELICIT: To draw or bring out or forth; educe; evoke.

  • He elicit the truth so his older sister would get in trouble.
HIATUS: A break or interruptions in the continuity of work, series, action.

  • I hate hiatus on TV.
ASSUAGE: To make milder, or less severe; relieve, ease, mitigate.

  • Advil assuage my headaches.
DECADENCE: The act or process of falling into an inferior condition or state.

  • Such behavior shows contempt for other life forms verging on decadence.
EXPOSTULATE: To reason earnestly with someone against something that person intends to do or has done.

  • His father expostulated with him about the evils of gambling.
SIMULATE: To create a simulation, likeness, or model.

  • It all began when for the first time an artist tried to simulate the appearance of depth on a flat surface.
JADE: Worn out, broken down, worthless, or vicious horse.

  • They get jaded and frustrated from seeing the same people coming in over and over.
UMBRAGE: Offense, annoyance, displeasure.

  • Talking when the teacher is talking is umbrage to them.
PREROGATIVE: An exclusive right, privilege, exercised by virtue of rank, office.

  • Having your licence is prerogative.
LURID: Gruesome; horrible; revolting.

  • These lurid fears a genuine turn in public opinion.
TRANSCEND: To rise above or go beyond; overpass exceed.

  • They teach us too transcend the false supremacy of one's own ego.
PROVINCIAL: A person who lives in or comes from the provinces.

  • It was also something about the particular nature of the characters-they are fairly provincial and limited.
PETULANT: Move to or showing sudden, impatient irritation, especially over some trifling annoyance.

  • The teacher made the student petulant to another desk.
UNCTUOUS: Characterized by excessive piousness or moralistic fever, especially in affected manner; excessively smooth, suave, or smug.

  • When bitten they collapsed with an unctuous squeich.
MERITORIOUS: Deserving praise, reward, praiseworthy.

  • Up to two awards for meritorious work may be presented.
encomium-formal expression of high praise. coherent- logically connected; consistent belabor-to beat vigorously; ply with heavy blows
eschew-to abstain or keep away from; shun; avoid acquisitive- tending or seeking to accrue and own, often greedily; eager to get wealth, possessions emulate-to attempt to equal or surpass arrogate- assume or appropriate to oneself without right banal-devoid of freshness or originality excoriation-the act of excoriating congeal-to change from a soft or fluid state to a rigid or solid state, as by cooling or freezing carping-characterized by fussy or petulant faultfinding substantiate- to establish by proof or competent evidence temporize-to be indecisive or evasive to gain time or delay acting largesse-generous bestowal of gifts tenable-capable of being held, maintained, or defended, as against attack or dispute insatiable-incapable of being satisfied or appeased reconnaissance-the act of reconnoitering germane-closely or significantly related; relevant ramify-to divide or spread out into branches intransigent-refusing to agree or compromise taciturn-reluctant to join in conversation invidious-
Auditor: Someone who edits. The auditor had a lot of books to look at.
Bough:Tree branch. The girl went in to the woods and got hit in the face with a bough.
Eloquence: To write well. Authors always eloquence.
Hoary: Hairy. My legs are very hoary if i don't shave for a couple of days.
Exemplary: Role model. Sense I'm the oldest then my younger siblings i have to be exemplary.
Melancholy: Long lasting sadness. When my great grandpa died i had melancholy.
Peculiar: Strange. The music Dr. Preston played yesterday in class was peculiar.
Dread: Fear. I dread that I'm not going to pass my history class.
Pious: Devoutly religious. Goodman Brown thought the towns people were pious.
Communion: The sharing. The students were comminion in the class.
Multitude: Large number. In each of my class i have multitude of students in them.
Despair: absence of hopes. Goodman Brown was in despair when he was in the woods

allude to refer to something the author thinks you should know.
-The author alluded us that the old man was the devil.
clairvoyant able to percede things beyond the senses.
-My sister told me she was clairvoyant, because she was able to see the future.
conclusive final.
- Tomorrow is the conclusive day to turn in anything before grades come out.
disreputable poor reputation.
- The guy had a disreputable.
 endemic wide spread in one place.
-The were wild animals endemic.
 exemplary not worthy important.
- The story wasn't exemplary was exemplary to me.
 fathom meause of notice depths; to understand.
- I fathom the young goodman brown story now.
 guile cleverness.
-My little brother was quile when he got me in trouble.
itinerary trip schedule.
-We had to figure out a itinerary.
integrity thoughts, actions.
- The students in class were itinerary working together.
 misconstrue miss understanding.
- There was a misconstrue when they were talking about grades. obnoxious loud, annoying, rude.
-The little kids were being obnoxious.
placate calm down.
- He had to placate after he got into a fight with his parents.
 placid calm, peaceful.
- Being at the beach is placid.
plagiarism taking someone Else's work taking it as it as your own.
- Plagiarism is against the law.
potent powerful.
- The quotes were potent and had alot of meaning.
pretext rational for something.
- Helping my little brother with his homework was pretext.
protrude to stick out.
- That stain protrudes off your shirt.
 stark clear.
- The story became more stark after i read it a couple of times.
superficial shallow.
-The water is superficial.
adroit: clever or skillful in using the hands or mind
amicable: having a spirit of friendliness; without serious disagreement or rancor
averse: having strong dislikes of or opposition of something
belligerent: hostile and aggressive
benevolent: well meaning and kindly; serving a charitable rather than a profit-making purpose
cursory: hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed
duplicity: deceitfulness; double-dealing
extol: praise enthusiastically
feasible:Possible to do easily or conveniently; Likely probable
grimace: twisted expression on a person's face, typically expressing disgust, pain, or wry amusement
holocaust:The mass murder of Jews under the German Nazi regime during the period 1941–45.

impervious:Not allowing something to pass through; not penetrable
impetus:The force or energy or momentum with which a body moves
jeopardy:Danger of loss, harm, or failure
meticulous:Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise
nostalgia: sentimental longing for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations
quintessence:The aspect of something regarded as the intrinsic and central constituent of its character
retrogress:The aspect of something regarded as the intrinsic and central constituent of its character
scrutinize:Examine or inspect closely and thoroughly

tepid :Only slightly warm; lukewarm; Showing little enthusiasm