Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dream within a Dream

Why i think the poem Dream within a Dream has romanticism in it is because there are a couple of signs. Its centered on him. He is talking about his feelings in this poem. About nature and love. Those are signs about romanticism. The sentence that popped out the most is "Yet hope flown away". Its like Young Goodman Brown. When he says " He lost his Faith" Thats what we talked about in class which helped me on this assignment.

Monday, September 24, 2012

vocab list 6 definitions

 adroit: clever or skillful in using the hands or mind
 amicable: having a spirit of friendliness; without serious disagreement or rancor
 averse: having strong dislikes of or opposition of something
 belligerent: hostile and aggressive
 benevolent: well meaning and kindly; serving a charitable rather than a profit-making purpose
 cursory: hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed
 duplicity: deceitfulness; double-dealing
 extol: praise enthusiastically
 feasible:Possible to do easily or conveniently; Likely probable
 grimace: twisted expression on a person's face, typically expressing disgust, pain, or wry amusement
 holocaust:The mass murder of Jews under the German Nazi regime during the period 1941–45.

 impervious:Not allowing something to pass through; not penetrable
 impetus:The force or energy or momentum with which a body moves
 jeopardy:Danger of loss, harm, or failure
 meticulous:Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise
 nostalgia: sentimental longing for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations
 quintessence:The aspect of something regarded as the intrinsic and central constituent of its character
 retrogress:The aspect of something regarded as the intrinsic and central constituent of its character
 scrutinize:Examine or inspect closely and thoroughly

tepid :Only slightly warm; lukewarm; Showing little enthusiasm

Essay revision/improvement strategy

My new improvement strategy i would use is to not go so far into detail that isn't. Also probably have Dr.. Preston to teach me how to get started on the essays. That is my biggest pronlem with writing essays

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

your life is your life

1. The commercial borrows the poem Laughing Heart by Charles Bukowski.
2. This poem is ironic because it is talking about levi but it has alot more meaning.
3. No the poem does not reflect on the author's reputation because he had a hard life and the poem is talking about taking chances and enjoy life.
4. I looked up your life is your life poem on google and the poem and the who it was by came up. Then i googled about the authors life and went to the site and went to the timel ine.

vocab 5

allude to refer to something the author thinks you should know.
-The author alluded us that the old man was the devil. clairvoyant able to percede things beyond the senses.
-My sister told me she was clairvoyant, because she was able to see the future.conclusive final.
- Tomorrow is the conclusive day to turn in anything before grades come out.disreputable poor reputation.
- The guy had a disreputable. endemic wide spread in one place.
-The were wild animals endemic. exemplary not worthy important.
- The story wasn't exemplary was exemplary to me. fathom meause of notice depths; to understand.
- I fathom the young goodman brown story now. guile cleverness.
-My little brother was quile when he got me introuble.
itinerary trip schedual.
-We had to figure out a itinerary.
integrity thoughts, actions.
- The students in class were itinerary working together. misconstrue miss understanding.
- There was a misconstrue when they were talking about grades. obnoxious loud, annoying, rude.
-The little kids were being obnoxious.
placate calm down.
- He had to placate after he got into a fight with his parents. placid calm, peaceful.
- Being at the beach is placid. plagiarism taking someone elses work taking it as it as your own.
Plagiarism is against the law. potent powerful.
- The quotes were potent and had alot of meaning. pretext rational for something.
- Helping my little brother with his homework was pretext. protrude to stick out.
- That stain protrudes off your shirt. stark  clear.
- The story became more stark after i read it a couple of times.superficial  shallow.
-The water is superficial.


  1. Faith- his actual faith in God and humanity.
  2. Faith's pink ribbon- purity and innocence.
  3. Goodman Brown- a you good man.
  4. The old man- the devil.
  5. The trees- the towns people.
  6. The forest- the dark side.
  7. The shaft- evil.

Is Symbolism Important

I personally think that symbolism is important. People use it or see it in everyday life. Most things in general symobolizes or has a meaning to it. I honestly haven't looked at it that way until we read Young Goodman Brown. Where it has bunch of symbols. We talked about that them in class which made this more clear to me. We see symbols everywhere which amazes me.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Vocab 4

Auditor: Someone who edits. The auditor had alot of books to look at.
Bough:Tree branch. The girl went in to the woods and got hit in the face with a bough.
Eloquence: To write well. Authors always eloquence.
Hoary: Hairy. My legs are very hoary if i don't shave for a couple of days.
Exemplary: Role model. Sense i'm the oldest then my younger siblings i have to be exemplary.
Melancholy: Long lasting sadness. When my great grandpa died i had melancholy.
Peculiar: Strange. The music Dr. Preston played yesterday in class was peculiar.
Dread: Fear. I dread that i'm not going to pass my history class.
Pious: Devoutly religious. Goodman Brown thought the towns people were pious.
Communion: The sharing. The students were comminion in the class.
Multitude: Large number. In each of my class i have multitude of students in them.
Despair: absence of hopes. Goodman Brown was in despair when he was in the woods.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

online security

There are alot of things Ian talked to us about online security. Like about our passwords and how we should not share them with anyone. Aslo he made it very clear not to put your social security number anywhere online.

vocab 3

encomium-formal expression of high praise.
 coherent- logically connected; consistent
 belabor-to beat vigorously; ply with heavy blows
eschew-to abstain or keep away from; shun; avoid
 acquisitive- tending or seeking to accrue and own, often greedily; eager to get wealth, possessions
 emulate-to attempt to equal or surpass
 arrogate- assume or appropriate to oneself without right:
 banal-devoid of freshness or originality
 excoriation-the act of excoriating
 congeal-to change from a soft or fluid state to a rigid or solid state, as by cooling or freezing
 carping-characterized by fussy or petulant faultfinding 
substantiate- to establish by proof or competent evidence
 temporize-to be indecisive or evasive to gain time or delay acting
 largesse-generous bestowal of gifts
 tenable-capable of being held, maintained, or defended, as against attack or dispute
 insatiable-incapable of being satisfied or appeased
 reconnaissance-the act of reconnoitering
 germane-closely or significantly related; relevant
 ramify-to divide or spread out into branches 
 intransigent-refusing to agree or compromise
 taciturn-reluctant to join in conversation
 invidious- unpopularity

Young Gooodman Brown Questions

  1. Hawthrone's purpose for writing this is to share about good and evil.
  2. At first i thought her name suited her but after reading the story no i don't think that name fits her. No Goodman Brown doesn't have true faith in her anymore.
  3. The pink ribbon stands for innocents.
  4. It was a dream. "It was a dream of evil omen for Young Goodman Brown."
  5. The old man was the devil. the traveller put forth his staff and touched her neck she shouted, "The devil!"
  6. I think the staff made him go onward because every time the old man offered his staff Young Goodman Brown would go onward.
  7. Yes if Young Goodman Brown didn't go into the woods his life would very different. He wouldn't know about evil or the dark side.Yes he would still have Faith because he wouldn't have known about the stuff she has done. Yes he would still trust everyone because he would still think they are good and haven't done anything bad.

Hack to School Night

  1. The purpose of this class is so i can graduate.
  2. I thought the story Earth on Turtle's Back was very interesting.
  3. The easiest thing that i have done in class was the daily journal. the hardest thing Ive done in this class was trying to make this blog.
  4. My goal is to pass this class with a good grade like an a. For the school year is to understand why and how to use a blog.
  5. Socratic Seminar: an open-ended circle discussion centered around a certain text where student interaction guides the discussion by stated opinions and supportive remarks. Blogs: is a type of website or an element within a larger website blogs are usually maintained by and individual and consist a personal commentary, pictures, files etc.

Young Goodman Brown HWK: #1

  1.  What does Young Goodman Brown mean when he said " after this one night I'll cling to her skirts and follow her too heaven."?
  2. Why did Young Goodman Brown still go through the forest when thought the devil is going to get him?
  3. Did Young Goodman Brown plan to meet the figure of a man?

Prompt #2

No i don't think there are going to be any factors that are going to affect my participation or experience in this class. My most awesome learning experience was when i was the first one to finish all multiplication tables in my class. I was either in third or fourth grade. I cant remember because i had the same teacher for both grades. My teacher was Mrs. Smilie, she was my favorite teacher. I was at Dunlap Elementary School. She timed us so it made me push myself to get them done.

Reflection on week 1 prompt # 4

Honestly, i felt  the like "gulp" the whole week. I need to work on how to work my blog. I have to change my attitude towards this way of teaching. Its hard for me because i do not like change. My class mates can help if i don't understand something. I usually ask the group i sit with if i need help or don't understand something. You can also help me if i don't know how to do something or i have a problem with my blog. Like in class where you showed me how i don't have to create a new blog every time i need to post something.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Assignment #1

My reason for taking this course is because English is mandatory all four years of High School. I'm a little excited about how this class is way different then all the rest of the Englishes classes. It's not boring like all the rest of them. Were also being taught in a different way. I'm scared because I'm use to the other way how teachers teach out of the book. I don't do very well with blogs. I do way better out of the book. I'm also very nervous about how we are graded.My goal by the end of this year is to pass this year with a good grade. I don't want to fail because I'm not good with a blogs. I will benefit because i will know how to use a blog by the end of the year also how to understand those complicate stories that you post up for us to read.